Guide through Christian history of Belgrade
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Шифра производа:66010
Аутор:Archpriest-stavrophor Radomir Popovic, PhD
Издавач:Foundation of Archdiocese of Belgrade-Karlovci
Формат и корице:Формат 23х13,2, 80 страна, меки повез
500,00 РСД
In Belgrade and its vicinity, i.e. in the Archdiocese of Belgrade-Karlovci, there are at present (written in 2015) around 90 churches and chapels. Another twentyish churches and chapels are being built at the moment, but Belgrade lacks many more churches and priests. If there are app. 280 schools in the capital of Serbia, there should be at least the same number of churches and priests.
Belgrade has its saints. They were the oldest Christian martyrs for faith from the beginning of IV century, from the period of Roman Emperor Licinius (324) when in the Roman Singidunum, Saint Martyrs Ermilus and Stratonicus got killed around 315 (their feast is celebrated on 26th January per Gregorian calendar). In the more recent period, in 1814 Saint Deacon Avakum and Abbot Paisius got killed in the vicinity of the present National Theatre in Belgrade. The protector of Belgrade are the Most Holy Mother of God and Saint Petka Paraskeva.
This short Spiritual guide through Belgrade, authored by Archpriest-Stavrophor Radomir Popović PhD, provides basic information about churches, monasteries, chapels, with pictures of them. It was conceived as a basic, practical information, and at the same time an incentive for wider and more comprehensive research into the rich and diverse spiritual past of Belgrade and a spiritual guide for its pious inhabitants.